How To Get Rid Of Dark Knees Quickly
Tanning and darkening of elbows is one of the most difficult and stubborn areas from where removing these black spots becomes a task.

Tanning and darkening of elbows is one of the most difficult and stubborn areas from where removing these black spots becomes a task. But there are certain home remedies that will help you to get rid of dark and black elbows.
1. Sunscreen: Sunscreen should be generously applied on the elbows when venturing outside as elbows is also exposed to the harsh sunrays which can ruin your skin cells. So the next time you are stepping out of your home apply a generous dose of sunscreen.
2. Lemon Juice: Lemon juice acts as a great exfoliator. Cut a lemon into half and rub one half of a lemon fruit on one elbow and the other half on the other elbow. Rub for 10 minutes and then allow the juice to dry. Wash the juice using cold water. Do this treatment as many numbers of times as you want in a day. But don't forget to apply a moisturizer on your elbows after every treatment.
3. Turmeric, Honey and Milk: Turmeric has antiseptic properties and milk act as bleach, while honey moisturizes the dry skin. Mix some turmeric with milk and honey to make it a smooth paste. Apply it on the dark areas and leave it there for at least 20 minutes. Wet your hands and rub it for few minutes and then wash it off with cold water.
4. Sugar and Olive Oil: Sugar works as an excellent source of exfoliation, while olive oil will moisturize the skin. Mix equal quantities of olive oil and sugar to make a thick paste. Apply this mix on to the black knees and elbow. Rub the skin using this mixture for about five minutes. Wash using mild soap and water.
5. Gram Flour and Lemon: Gram flour cleanses the area and also provides mild exfoliation. While lemon juice acts as a natural bleach that will help to reduce the darkness from your elbows. Add some lime juice to gram flour to make it paste. Apply the mixture and rub in circular motion on your elbows. Allow it to dry and wash it off with cold water.
No matter how much careful you are there are certain areas which once are tanned or get black it is difficult to remove the blackness and roughness from that area. And one such area is knees. Once your knees start getting black and if enough care isn't take care then removing it becomes difficult. So here are certain tips that will help you to remove the blackness from your knees. Dark and ashy knees can sometimes be the result of accumulation of dead skin cells on the knees. If these skin cells are not removed they turn dark in color by interacting with the oxygen present in the air.
1. Oatmeal scrub: Mix two tablespoons powdered oatmeal with two teaspoons fresh cream or honey. Apply the paste on the knees and leave for few minutes. Now gently massage the paste on the knees. Use only the tips of your fingers for massaging. Wash off the paste after massaging with cold water. Oatmeal works as a great exfoliator and removes dead skin cells.
2. Baking soda: Baking soda is an excellent natural scrub. Make a paste of baking powder using water. Apply the paste on the dark knees and leave for about five minutes. After five minutes wet your hands and start scrubbing the knees where the baking soda is placed for 7-10 minutes. Remove the baking soda paste using water. Pat them dry however let them remain a little damp as you should immediately apply moisturizer on it. Do this on alternate days.
3. Almonds: In a bowl take one tablespoon powdered almonds and one teaspoon finely powdered almond shells. Mix them by adding fresh cream. Apply the paste on the knees and massage them for 10 minutes. Once the massing is done leave the scrub on the knees for five minutes and then remove using lukewarm water. Dry the knees and apply a moisturizer. You could even replace apricot shells with walnut shells.
4. Olive Oil: Warm a little olive oil and apply it on your dark knees. Rub the oil well into the skin. Do this treatment at night before going to bed. Do this thrice a week. Olive oil will not only cure the problem of dark/ashy knees but also soften the skin on the knees. You could also use warm coconut oil in place of olive oil for massaging the dark knees. Coconut oil is as effective as olive oil but it needs to be massaged daily on the knees.
5. Lemon: Lemon is natural bleach and can lighten the color of the knees with regular use. Wash your knees and rub one half of a lemon fruit on knee and the other half on the other knee. Rub for 10 minutes and then allow the juice to dry. Wash the juice using cold water. Do this treatment as many numbers of times as you want in a day. But don't forget to apply a moisturizer to the knees after every treatment.
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How To Get Rid Of Dark Knees Quickly
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